32 History Memes That Get an A+ for Speaking the Truth
Unlike a dense textbook, history memes allow you to touch on dozens of events and time periods in the span of a few minutes.
Published 7 months ago in Funny
Unlike a dense textbook, history memes allow you to touch on dozens of events and time periods in the span of a few minutes, making critical and funny points about each.
And the best part is, if you have any questions, you can just look everything up online for some context. Especially with these accurate memes that get an A for speaking the truth.
“In the book ‘D-Day Through German Eyes’ by Jonathan Triggs, there's a story about a Canadian pilot captured by grenadiers of the 9thSS Pz Div. He was with them for several days, sharing a room in a bunker, and playing cards with them. When they were finally able to hand him in up the chain of command, he remarked to them. ‘Thank God I got captured by you lot, and not the Waffen SS ." Only then did they show him their SS runes on their collars.